Data Model



Direct Known Subclasses:

Class that stores information about user interface components in the CI Relationship Viewer, such as icons and tool tips. This class has no corresponding DMTF CIM class.


Name Value Scope Options
namespaceName BMC.CORE.CONFIG None None
FormName BMC.CORE.CONFIG:BMC_UIComponent None None
Exposure usedVisible TOSUBCLASS=false OVERRIDABLE=false

Attributes Summary

Data type Name and description
attachment ComponentAttachment
Attribute that stores the user interface component file if the value of the ComponentType attribute is Icon (1).
character ComponentId
This id along with the component type uniquely identifies an instance of UIComponent
character ComponentLocale
Attribute that specifies the locale for which a specific component (such as icons or tooltips) is used. Different components might display for different locales. For example, a German client might want to see one icon for a CDM class, and a French user might want to see a different one. The default value is en_US, used only if there is no component defined for the client's locale.
character ComponentName
Attribute that specifies the name of the user interface component.
character ComponentQual
Attribute that specifies the qualification used to restrict the user interface component to certain instances of the class specified in the ComponentRelatedClassId attribute. For example, $ServerType$ = "Oracle" relates the user interface component only to instances of the specified class in which the ServerType attribute is set to "Oracle".
character ComponentRelatedClassId
Attribute that specifies the ID of the class for which the user interface component is displayed. For example, if the component is an icon used for BMC_ComputerSystem, set this attribute to 'BMC_ComputerSystem'. "BMC_ComputerSystem".
character ComponentString
Attribute that specifies the names of the attributes (separated by commas) for which tool tip information is displayed if the value of the ComponentType attribute is Tooltip (3). If the value of the ComponentType attribute is LocalizedString (2), then ComponentString holds the string to display for the locale specified in the ComponentLocale attribute.
character ComponentTag1
Attribute that specifies the name of the application that owns the tooltip if the value of ComponentType is Tooltip. For tooltips owned by BMC Atrium CMDB, type "BMC_CMDB".
character ComponentTag2
Reserved for use in a future version of BMC Atrium CMDB.
character ComponentTag3
Reserved for use in a future version of BMC Atrium CMDB.
character ComponentTag4
Attribute that specifies the precedence value of the user interface component. When the values of the ComponentLocale, ComponentRelatedClassId, and ComponentQual attributes match more than one user interface component of a given ComponentType, the component with the highest precedence value is displayed.
character ComponentTag5
Reserved for use in a future version of BMC Atrium CMDB.
integer ComponentTag6
Attribute that specifies the version of the xml file in the ComponentAttachment if the value of ComponentType is CMDBSavedQuery or CMDBCIScopeSavedQuery.
character ComponentTag7
Reserved for future use.
enumeration ComponentType
Attribute that specifies a particular type of user interface component. Supported values are None (0, default), Icon (1), LocalizedString (2), Tooltip (3), and Line (4).

Attributes inherited from class BMC.CORE.CONFIG:BMC_ConfigBaseElement
AttributeDataSourceList, ClassId, CMDBRowLevelSecurity, CMDBWriteSecurity, CreateDate, InstanceId, LastModifiedBy, MarkAsDeleted, ModifiedDate, RequestId, Submitter

Attribute Detail


attachment ComponentAttachment
Attribute that stores the user interface component file if the value of the ComponentType attribute is Icon (1).

Name Value Scope Options
FieldId 530019400
None None
attributeId OB000874D0BF68ULXLQwYuhaDweIUA
None None
namespaceName BMC.CORE.CONFIG
None None


This id along with the component type uniquely identifies an instance of UIComponent

Name Value Scope Options
FieldId 530061500
None None
attributeId OB005056BA70F7a7ueSwcpavRQYbIK
None None
namespaceName BMC.CORE.CONFIG
None None
MaxLen 255
None None


Attribute that specifies the locale for which a specific component (such as icons or tooltips) is used. Different components might display for different locales. For example, a German client might want to see one icon for a CDM class, and a French user might want to see a different one. The default value is en_US, used only if there is no component defined for the client's locale.

Name Value Scope Options
FieldId 530017400
None None
attributeId UI_COMP_LOCALE
None None
namespaceName BMC.CORE.CONFIG
None None
MaxLen 255
None None


Attribute that specifies the name of the user interface component.

Name Value Scope Options
FieldId 530017300
None None
attributeId UI_COMP_NAME
None None
namespaceName BMC.CORE.CONFIG
None None
MaxLen 255
None None


Attribute that specifies the qualification used to restrict the user interface component to certain instances of the class specified in the ComponentRelatedClassId attribute. For example, $ServerType$ = "Oracle" relates the user interface component only to instances of the specified class in which the ServerType attribute is set to "Oracle".

Name Value Scope Options
FieldId 530017700
None None
attributeId UI_COMP_QUAL
None None
namespaceName BMC.CORE.CONFIG
None None
MaxLen 0
None None


Attribute that specifies the ID of the class for which the user interface component is displayed. For example, if the component is an icon used for BMC_ComputerSystem, set this attribute to 'BMC_ComputerSystem'. "BMC_ComputerSystem".

Name Value Scope Options
FieldId 530017500
None None
None None
namespaceName BMC.CORE.CONFIG
None None
Required true
None None
MaxLen 255
None None


Attribute that specifies the names of the attributes (separated by commas) for which tool tip information is displayed if the value of the ComponentType attribute is Tooltip (3). If the value of the ComponentType attribute is LocalizedString (2), then ComponentString holds the string to display for the locale specified in the ComponentLocale attribute.

Name Value Scope Options
FieldId 530017800
None None
attributeId UI_COMP_STRING
None None
namespaceName BMC.CORE.CONFIG
None None
MaxLen 0
None None


Attribute that specifies the name of the application that owns the tooltip if the value of ComponentType is Tooltip. For tooltips owned by BMC Atrium CMDB, type "BMC_CMDB".

Name Value Scope Options
FieldId 530018000
None None
attributeId UI_COMP_TAG1
None None
namespaceName BMC.CORE.CONFIG
None None
MaxLen 0
None None


Reserved for use in a future version of BMC Atrium CMDB.

Name Value Scope Options
FieldId 530018100
None None
attributeId UI_COMP_TAG2
None None
namespaceName BMC.CORE.CONFIG
None None
MaxLen 0
None None


Reserved for use in a future version of BMC Atrium CMDB.

Name Value Scope Options
FieldId 530018200
None None
attributeId UI_COMP_TAG3
None None
namespaceName BMC.CORE.CONFIG
None None
MaxLen 0
None None


Attribute that specifies the precedence value of the user interface component. When the values of the ComponentLocale, ComponentRelatedClassId, and ComponentQual attributes match more than one user interface component of a given ComponentType, the component with the highest precedence value is displayed.

Name Value Scope Options
FieldId 530018300
None None
attributeId UI_COMP_TAG4
None None
namespaceName BMC.CORE.CONFIG
None None
MaxLen 0
None None


Reserved for use in a future version of BMC Atrium CMDB.

Name Value Scope Options
FieldId 530018400
None None
attributeId UI_COMP_TAG5
None None
namespaceName BMC.CORE.CONFIG
None None
MaxLen 0
None None


Attribute that specifies the version of the xml file in the ComponentAttachment if the value of ComponentType is CMDBSavedQuery or CMDBCIScopeSavedQuery.

Name Value Scope Options
FieldId 530061700
None None
attributeId OB005056BA70F7ZRChSwzYfLTgUEcM
None None
namespaceName BMC.CORE.CONFIG
None None


Reserved for future use.

Name Value Scope Options
FieldId 530061800
None None
attributeId OB005056BA70F73xChSwLGfNTgZ0cM
None None
namespaceName BMC.CORE.CONFIG
None None
MaxLen 255
None None


Attribute that specifies a particular type of user interface component. Supported values are None (0, default), Icon (1), LocalizedString (2), Tooltip (3), and Line (4).

Name Value Scope Options
FieldId 530017600
None None
attributeId UI_COMP_TYPE
None None
namespaceName BMC.CORE.CONFIG
None None
Required true
None None
ValueMap 0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 100; 101; 102; 900; 901; 902; 903; 904; 905; 906; 907; 908; 909; 910
None None
Values None; Icon; LocalizedString; Tooltip; Line; CMDBServerConfiguration; CMDBSavedQuery; CMDBCIScopeSavedQuery; ExplorerView; SavedQuery; ExplorerFilter; AtriumUserPref; FederationAdapter; FederationPluginConfig; QuickEditAttributes; ExplorerGoupThreshold; ClassLabelAttribute; ClassDisplayName; GraphLayer

Inherited Relationship Classes

Name Superclass Reference CI Class

Data Model

Copyright 2007 BMC Software, Inc. All rights reserved.