Data Model

Class BMC.CORE:BMC_SettingsOf


Direct Known Subclasses:

Class that represents the association between ManagedElements and applicable setting data. This association also describes whether this is a default or current setting. Each non-null, non-key property of the associated SettingData instance defines a setting value for the associated ManagedElement. The attributes of this class (IsDefault, IsCurrent, IsNext, IsMinimum, IsMaximum, and IsPending) further qualify those setting values. Note: the referenced SettingData instance does not reflect the current preferred state of the referenced ManagedElement unless IsCurrent is set to Is Current. When IsMinimum or IsMaximum attributes are set to the value Is Minimum or Is Maximum, respectively, the referenced SettingData instance reflects the preferred minimum or maximum values, respectively. When IsMinimum and IsMaximum are set to any other value, the referenced SettingData reflects actual preferred values.


Name Value Scope Options
namespaceName BMC.CORE None None
Categorization true TOSUBCLASS=false OVERRIDABLE=false
FormName BMC.CORE:BMC_BaseRelationship None None
Exposure usedVisible TOSUBCLASS=false OVERRIDABLE=false
Association true TOSUBCLASS=false OVERRIDABLE=false
Cardinality 1_many TOSUBCLASS=false OVERRIDABLE=false
Weak true TOSUBCLASS=false OVERRIDABLE=false

Attributes Summary

Data type Name and description
enumeration IsCurrent
Attribute that specifies an enumerated integer that indicates that the referenced SettingData represents the last requested values for attributes of the Managed Element or that such information is unknown. Attributes of the SettingData itself indicate whether the SettingData represents the last configuration applied to the ManagedElement or if it is a transient snapshot of the requested settings. Current operational characteristics of a ManagedElement should be represented with properties of the ManagedElement. For a given ManagedElement and all instances of a SettingData subclass, there will be no more than one instance of ElementSettingData that references the ManagedElement and an instance of the SettingData sub-class where: there is a specified non-null, non-key property of the SettingData sub-class; the IsMaximum property on the referencing ElementSettingData instance has a value of Is Maximum; or the IsMinimum property on the referencing ElementSettingData instance has a value of Is Minimum, AND the IsCurrent property on the referencing ElementSettingData instance has a value of Is Current. There will be no more than one instance of ElementSettingData that references a ManagedElement and an instance of a SettingData sub-class where the IsCurrent property has a value of Is Current, the IsMinimum property does not have a value of Is Minimum, and the IsMaximum property does not have a value of Is Maximum.
enumeration IsDefault
Attribute that specifies an enumerated integer that indicates that the referenced setting is a default setting for the element, or that such information is unknown.
enumeration IsMaximum
Attribute that specifies the interpretation of all non-null, non-enumerated, non-binary, numeric, non-key properties of the associated SettingData instance. All other properties of the associated SettingData instance are not affected by this property. It is assumed that the semantics of each property of this set are designed to be compared mathematically. If set to Is Maxiumum, this attribute indicates that the affected property values specified in the associated SettingData instance will define preferred maximum setting values. The operational maximum values should be modeled as a properties of the BMC_BaseElement instance.If set to Is Not Maxiumum, this attribute indicates that the affected property values specified in the associated SettingData instance will not define preferred maximum setting values. If set to Unknown, this attribute indicates that the affected property values specified in the associated SettingData instance may correspond to maximum preferred setting values. If set to Not Applicable, this attribute indicates that the affected property values specified in the associated SettingData instance will not be interpreted with respect to whether each defines a preferred maximum.
enumeration IsMinimum
Attribute that specifies the interpretation of all non-null, non-enumerated, non-binary, numeric, non-key properties of the associated SettingData instance. All other properties of the associated SettingData instance are not affected by this attribute. It is assumed that the semantics of each property of this set are designed to be compared mathematically. If set to Is Minimum, this attribute indicates that the affected property values specified in the associated SettingData instance will define preferred minimum setting values. The operational minimum values should be modeled as properties of the BMC_BaseElement instance.If set to Is Not Miniumum, this attribute indicates that the affected property values specified in the associated SettingData instance shall not define the preferred minimum setting values. If set to Unknown, this attribute indicates that the affected property values specified in the associated SettingData instance may correspond to minimum preferred setting values. If set to Not Applicable, this attribute indicates that the affected property values specified in the associated SettingData instance will not be interpreted with respect to whether each defines a desired minimum.
enumeration IsNext
Attribute that specifies an enumerated integer that indicates whether or not the referenced setting is the next setting to be applied. For example, the application could take place on a re-initialization, reset, reconfiguration request. This could be a permanent setting, or a setting used only once as indicated by the flag. If it is a permanent setting, then the setting is applied every time the managed element reinitializes until the flag is manually reset. However, if it is used only once, then the flag is automatically cleared after the settings are applied. If the flag is specified (meaning that it is set to a value other than Unknown), then the setting takes precedence over any SettingData that may have been specified as the default. For example, if the managed element is a computer system, and the value of the flag is set to Is Next, then the setting will be in effect the next time the system resets. Unless the flag is changed, it will persist for subsequent system resets. However, if the flag is set to Is Next For Single Use, then the setting will be used only once and the flag will be reset to Is Not Next. Therefore, in the previous example, if the system reboots in quick succession, the setting will not be used at the second reboot.
enumeration IsPending
Attribute that specifies an enumerated integer that indicates whether or not the referenced BMC_Settings instance represents outstanding changes to the configuration of the referenced BMC_BaseElement. These changes are known to be pending and are in the process of being applied. A value of 0 (Unknown) indicates that the referenced instance of BMC_Settings may represent the last configuration applied to the referenced BMC_BaseElement. A value of 2 (Is Pending) indicates that the referenced instance of BMC_Settings represents outstanding changes to the configuration of the referenced BMC_BaseElement that are known to be pending. A value of 3 (Is Not Pending) indicates that the referenced instance of BMC_Settings does not represent outstanding changes to the configuration of the referenced BMC_BaseElement.

Attributes inherited from class BMC.CORE:BMC_BaseRelationship
AccountID, AssignedTo, AttributeDataSourceList, ClassId, CMDBRowLevelSecurity, CMDBWriteSecurity, CreateDate, DatasetId, Destination.ClassId, Destination.DatasetId, Destination.InstanceId, Destination.ReconciliationIdentity, HasImpact, ImpactDestinationId, ImpactDirection, ImpactPropagationModel, ImpactSourceId, ImpactWeight, InstanceId, LastModifiedBy, MarkAsDeleted, ModifiedDate, Name, ReconciliationIdentity, RequestId, ShortDescription, Source.ClassId, Source.DatasetId, Source.InstanceId, Source.ReconciliationIdentity, Status, Submitter

Attribute Detail


enumeration IsCurrent
Attribute that specifies an enumerated integer that indicates that the referenced SettingData represents the last requested values for attributes of the Managed Element or that such information is unknown. Attributes of the SettingData itself indicate whether the SettingData represents the last configuration applied to the ManagedElement or if it is a transient snapshot of the requested settings. Current operational characteristics of a ManagedElement should be represented with properties of the ManagedElement. For a given ManagedElement and all instances of a SettingData subclass, there will be no more than one instance of ElementSettingData that references the ManagedElement and an instance of the SettingData sub-class where: there is a specified non-null, non-key property of the SettingData sub-class; the IsMaximum property on the referencing ElementSettingData instance has a value of Is Maximum; or the IsMinimum property on the referencing ElementSettingData instance has a value of Is Minimum, AND the IsCurrent property on the referencing ElementSettingData instance has a value of Is Current. There will be no more than one instance of ElementSettingData that references a ManagedElement and an instance of a SettingData sub-class where the IsCurrent property has a value of Is Current, the IsMinimum property does not have a value of Is Minimum, and the IsMaximum property does not have a value of Is Maximum.

Name Value Scope Options
FieldId 530052300
None None
attributeId OS00C04FA081BA7nR#SAkGsWcAH5gA
None None
namespaceName BMC.CORE
None None
ValueMap 0; 1; 2
None None
Values Unknown; Is Current; Is Not Current


Attribute that specifies an enumerated integer that indicates that the referenced setting is a default setting for the element, or that such information is unknown.

Name Value Scope Options
FieldId 530052200
None None
attributeId OS00C04FA081BAaHB#SAFL8EcAB5gA
None None
namespaceName BMC.CORE
None None
ValueMap 0; 1; 2
None None
Values Unknown; Is Default; Is Not Default


Attribute that specifies the interpretation of all non-null, non-enumerated, non-binary, numeric, non-key properties of the associated SettingData instance. All other properties of the associated SettingData instance are not affected by this property. It is assumed that the semantics of each property of this set are designed to be compared mathematically. If set to Is Maxiumum, this attribute indicates that the affected property values specified in the associated SettingData instance will define preferred maximum setting values. The operational maximum values should be modeled as a properties of the BMC_BaseElement instance.If set to Is Not Maxiumum, this attribute indicates that the affected property values specified in the associated SettingData instance will not define preferred maximum setting values. If set to Unknown, this attribute indicates that the affected property values specified in the associated SettingData instance may correspond to maximum preferred setting values. If set to Not Applicable, this attribute indicates that the affected property values specified in the associated SettingData instance will not be interpreted with respect to whether each defines a preferred maximum.

Name Value Scope Options
FieldId 530052600
None None
attributeId OS00C04FA081BAuHZ#SAOmkdcAPJgA
None None
namespaceName BMC.CORE
None None
ValueMap 0; 1; 2; 3
None None
Values Unknown; Not Applicable; Is Maximum; Is Not Maximum


Attribute that specifies the interpretation of all non-null, non-enumerated, non-binary, numeric, non-key properties of the associated SettingData instance. All other properties of the associated SettingData instance are not affected by this attribute. It is assumed that the semantics of each property of this set are designed to be compared mathematically. If set to Is Minimum, this attribute indicates that the affected property values specified in the associated SettingData instance will define preferred minimum setting values. The operational minimum values should be modeled as properties of the BMC_BaseElement instance.If set to Is Not Miniumum, this attribute indicates that the affected property values specified in the associated SettingData instance shall not define the preferred minimum setting values. If set to Unknown, this attribute indicates that the affected property values specified in the associated SettingData instance may correspond to minimum preferred setting values. If set to Not Applicable, this attribute indicates that the affected property values specified in the associated SettingData instance will not be interpreted with respect to whether each defines a desired minimum.

Name Value Scope Options
FieldId 530052500
None None
attributeId OS00C04FA081BAI3Z#SAOiAbcANJgA
None None
namespaceName BMC.CORE
None None
ValueMap 0; 1; 2; 3
None None
Values Unknown; Not Applicable; Is Minimum; Is Not Minimum


Attribute that specifies an enumerated integer that indicates whether or not the referenced setting is the next setting to be applied. For example, the application could take place on a re-initialization, reset, reconfiguration request. This could be a permanent setting, or a setting used only once as indicated by the flag. If it is a permanent setting, then the setting is applied every time the managed element reinitializes until the flag is manually reset. However, if it is used only once, then the flag is automatically cleared after the settings are applied. If the flag is specified (meaning that it is set to a value other than Unknown), then the setting takes precedence over any SettingData that may have been specified as the default. For example, if the managed element is a computer system, and the value of the flag is set to Is Next, then the setting will be in effect the next time the system resets. Unless the flag is changed, it will persist for subsequent system resets. However, if the flag is set to Is Next For Single Use, then the setting will be used only once and the flag will be reset to Is Not Next. Therefore, in the previous example, if the system reboots in quick succession, the setting will not be used at the second reboot.

Name Value Scope Options
FieldId 530052400
None None
attributeId OS00C04FA081BAlnV#SAwPoYcALJgA
None None
namespaceName BMC.CORE
None None
ValueMap 0; 1; 2; 3
None None
Values Unknown; Is Next; Is Not Next; Is Next For Single Use


Attribute that specifies an enumerated integer that indicates whether or not the referenced BMC_Settings instance represents outstanding changes to the configuration of the referenced BMC_BaseElement. These changes are known to be pending and are in the process of being applied. A value of 0 (Unknown) indicates that the referenced instance of BMC_Settings may represent the last configuration applied to the referenced BMC_BaseElement. A value of 2 (Is Pending) indicates that the referenced instance of BMC_Settings represents outstanding changes to the configuration of the referenced BMC_BaseElement that are known to be pending. A value of 3 (Is Not Pending) indicates that the referenced instance of BMC_Settings does not represent outstanding changes to the configuration of the referenced BMC_BaseElement.

Name Value Scope Options
FieldId 530052700
None None
attributeId OS00C04FA081BATHd#SAk6sfcARJgA
None None
namespaceName BMC.CORE
None None
ValueMap 0; 2; 3
None None
Values Unknown; Is Pending; Is Not Pending

Association References

Name Class Origin Reference CI Class
Source BMC.CORE:BMC_SettingsOf BMC.CORE:BMC_BaseElement
Destination BMC.CORE:BMC_SettingsOf BMC.CORE:BMC_Settings

Data Model

Copyright 2007 BMC Software, Inc. All rights reserved.