Data Model

Class BMC.CORE:BMC_VirtualSystemSettingData


Direct Known Subclasses:

Class that defines the virtual aspects of a virtual system through a set of virtualization-specific properties. BMC_VirtualSystemSettingData is also used as the top level class of virtual system configurations that model configuration information about virtual systems and their components. A virtual system configuration consists of one top-level instance of the BMC_VirtualSystemSettingData class that aggregates a number of instances of the BMC_ResourceAllocationSettingData class using the BMC_Component association. For example, virtual system configurations may be used to reflect configurations of - virtual systems that are defined at a virtualization platform - virtual systems that are currently active - input requests to create new virtual systems - input requests to modify existing virtual systems - snapshots of virtual systems.


Name Value Scope Options
namespaceName BMC.CORE None None
FormName BMC.CORE:BMC_VirtualSystemSettingData None None
Exposure usedVisible TOSUBCLASS=false OVERRIDABLE=false

Attributes Summary

Data type Name and description
dateTime ActualDecommissionDate
This is the date of the actual decommission date.
dateTime ActualProvisionDate
Attribute that describes when a specific VM was provisioned or birthed.
enumeration AutomaticRecoveryAction
Attribute that specifies the action to take for the virtual system when the software executed by the virtual system fails. Such a failure can be detected by the host platform, such as a non-interuptable wait state condition.
enumeration AutomaticShutdownAction
Attribute that specifies the action to take for the virtual system when the host is shut down.Values are Turn Off, Save state, and Shutdown.
enumeration AutomaticStartupAction
Attribute that specifies the action to take for the virtual system when the host is started.Values are None, Restart if previously active, and Always startup.
dateTime AutomaticStartupActionDelay
Attribute that specifies the delay applicable to the startup action. The value is in the interval variant of the datetime datatype. The default value is 0.
integer AutomaticStartupActionSequenceNumber
Attribute that specifies a number that indicates the relative sequence of virtual system activation when the host system is started. A lower number indicates earlier activation. If one or more configurations show the same value or if the value is 0, the sequence is implementation-dependent.
character ConfigurationDataRoot
Attribute that specifies the filepath of a directory where information about the virtual system configuration is stored. The format is URI based on RFC 2079.
character ConfigurationFile
Attribute that specifies the filepath of a file where information about the virtual system configuration is stored. A relative path appends to the value of the ConfigurationDataRoot property. The format is URI based on RFC 2079. See for more information.
character ConfigurationID
Attribute that specifies a unique identification of the virtual system configuration. ConfigurationID differs from InstanceID because it is assigned by the implementation to a virtual system or a virtual system configuration. It is not a key, and the same value may occur within more than one instance.
character LogDataRoot
Attribute that specifies the filepath of a directory where log information about the virtual system is stored. A relative path appends to the value of the ConfigurationDataRoot property. The format is URI based on RFC 2079. See for more information.
dateTime ProposedDecommissionDate
This attribute is needed to understand when VM will be removed from the environment. One of the biggest problems causing sprawl is that companies are not decommissioning VM and tracking this information
character RecoveryFile
Attribute that describes the filepath of a file where recovery related information of the virtual system is stored. The format is URI based on RFC 2079. See for more information.
character SnapshotDataRoot
Attribute that specifies the filepath of a directory where information about virtual system snapshots is stored. A relative path appends to the value of the ConfigurationDataRoot property. The format is URI based on RFC 2079. See for more information.
character SuspendDataRoot
Attribute that specifies the filepath of a directory where suspend-related information about the virtual system is stored. A relative path appends to the value of the ConfigurationDataRoot property. The format is URI based on RFC 2079. See for more information.
character SwapFileDataRoot
Attribute that specifies the filepath of a directory where swap files of the virtual system are stored. A relative path appends to the value of the ConfigurationDataRoot property. The format is URI based on RFC 2079. See for more information.
dateTime VirtualSystemCreationTime
Attribute that specifies the time that the virtual system configuration was created.
character VirtualSystemIdentifier
Attribute that specifies a unique name for the system used within the virtualization platform. This attribute is not the hostname assigned to the operating system instance running within the virtual system, nor is it an IP address or MAC address assigned to any of its network ports. On create requests, VirtualSystemIdentifier may contain implementation-specific rules (such as simple patterns or regular expresssions) that may be interpreted by the implementation when assigning a VirtualSystemIdentifier.
enumeration VirtualSystemState
Attribute that specifies the state of virtual machine. Values are Other (0), Unknown (1), Active (10), InActive (15), Suspended (20), and Disabled (25).
enumeration VirtualSystemType
Attribute that specifies a type of virtual system. Implementations are commonly capable of supporting various implementation defined virtual system types. Use this attribute to determine the types of virtual systems supported for your configuration. For example, you might have a management application that uses an instance of the BMC_VirtualSystemSettingData class as an input parameter to an operation that creates or modifies a virtual system. Before configuring this application, you should first determine the set of valid virtual system types that are supported by the virtualization platform hosting the virtual system. To do this, inspect the values of the array property VirtualSystemTypesSupported of the instance of the CIM_VirtualSystemManagementCapabilities class that describes the capabilities of the virtualization platform. Values are Other (0),Unknown (1), LPAR (2), VM/VM Guest (3), VMware (4),Xen (20), LDOM (25), Solaris Container (30), HP nPartitions (35), VPar (40) ,Microsoft Hyper-V (45), KVM (60).

Attributes inherited from class BMC.CORE:BMC_Settings

Attributes inherited from class BMC.CORE:BMC_BaseElement
AccountID, AssignedTo, AttributeDataSourceList, Availability, Category, CheckSumValue, CITag, ClassId, CMDBRowLevelSecurity, CMDBWriteSecurity, Confidentiality, CreateDate, DatasetId, Description, FailedAutomaticIdentification, History, ImpactComputationModel, InstanceId, Integrity, isCloud, Item, LastModifiedBy, LastScanDate, LicensingType, ManufacturerName, MarkAsDeleted, MarketVersion, Model, ModifiedDate, Name, NameFormat, Notes, OwnerContact, OwnerName, ParentCITag, Priority, ReconciliationIdentity, ReferenceInstance, RequestId, SerialNumber, ShortDescription, Submitter, Supported, SystemEnvironment, TokenFormat, TokenId, Type, VersionNumber

Attribute Detail


dateTime ActualDecommissionDate
This is the date of the actual decommission date.

Name Value Scope Options
FieldId 530058800
None None
attributeId OS005056B5170DbVj_SQ6sGWTwOXUA
None None
namespaceName BMC.CORE
None None


Attribute that describes when a specific VM was provisioned or birthed.

Name Value Scope Options
FieldId 530058600
None None
attributeId OS005056B5170DIFj_SQjZKVTwLXUA
None None
namespaceName BMC.CORE
None None


Attribute that specifies the action to take for the virtual system when the software executed by the virtual system fails. Such a failure can be detected by the host platform, such as a non-interuptable wait state condition.

Name Value Scope Options
FieldId 530050700
None None
attributeId OS00C04FA081BA#Nh3SAsjNFVgEHYA
None None
namespaceName BMC.CORE
None None
ValueMap 2; 3; 4
None None
Values None; Restart; Revert to snapshot


Attribute that specifies the action to take for the virtual system when the host is shut down.Values are Turn Off, Save state, and Shutdown.

Name Value Scope Options
FieldId 530050600
None None
attributeId OS00C04FA081BAGNh3SAscdBVgBXYA
None None
namespaceName BMC.CORE
None None
ValueMap 2; 3; 4
None None
Values Turn Off; Save state; Shutdown


Attribute that specifies the action to take for the virtual system when the host is started.Values are None, Restart if previously active, and Always startup.

Name Value Scope Options
FieldId 530050300
None None
attributeId OS00C04FA081BAkdV3SAXOk3Vg5XUA
None None
namespaceName BMC.CORE
None None
ValueMap 2; 3; 4
None None
Values None; Restart if previously active; Always startup


Attribute that specifies the delay applicable to the startup action. The value is in the interval variant of the datetime datatype. The default value is 0.

Name Value Scope Options
FieldId 530050400
None None
attributeId OS00C04FA081BAvNZ3SAW3Y8Vg83UA
None None
namespaceName BMC.CORE
None None


Attribute that specifies a number that indicates the relative sequence of virtual system activation when the host system is started. A lower number indicates earlier activation. If one or more configurations show the same value or if the value is 0, the sequence is implementation-dependent.

Name Value Scope Options
FieldId 530050500
None None
attributeId OS00C04FA081BAwtd3SAHHlAVg_XUA
None None
namespaceName BMC.CORE
None None


Attribute that specifies the filepath of a directory where information about the virtual system configuration is stored. The format is URI based on RFC 2079.

Name Value Scope Options
FieldId 530049700
None None
attributeId OS00C04FA081BA5dB3SASaclVgcnUA
None None
namespaceName BMC.CORE
None None
MaxLen 0
None None


Attribute that specifies the filepath of a file where information about the virtual system configuration is stored. A relative path appends to the value of the ConfigurationDataRoot property. The format is URI based on RFC 2079. See for more information.

Name Value Scope Options
FieldId 530049900
None None
attributeId OS00C04FA081BAydJ3SAtwktVgiHUA
None None
namespaceName BMC.CORE
None None
MaxLen 0
None None


Attribute that specifies a unique identification of the virtual system configuration. ConfigurationID differs from InstanceID because it is assigned by the implementation to a virtual system or a virtual system configuration. It is not a key, and the same value may occur within more than one instance.

Name Value Scope Options
FieldId 530049600
None None
attributeId OS00C04FA081BAJtB3SAer8iVgZnUA
None None
namespaceName BMC.CORE
None None
MaxLen 255
None None


Attribute that specifies the filepath of a directory where log information about the virtual system is stored. A relative path appends to the value of the ConfigurationDataRoot property. The format is URI based on RFC 2079. See for more information.

Name Value Scope Options
FieldId 530050200
None None
attributeId OS00C04FA081BADNV3SAHuE1VgzHUA
None None
namespaceName BMC.CORE
None None
MaxLen 0
None None


This attribute is needed to understand when VM will be removed from the environment. One of the biggest problems causing sprawl is that companies are not decommissioning VM and tracking this information

Name Value Scope Options
FieldId 530058700
None None
attributeId OS005056B5170DT1j_SQN0qWTwM3UA
None None
namespaceName BMC.CORE
None None


Attribute that describes the filepath of a file where recovery related information of the virtual system is stored. The format is URI based on RFC 2079. See for more information.

Name Value Scope Options
FieldId 530050800
None None
attributeId OS00C04FA081BAotl3SAospHVgGHYA
None None
namespaceName BMC.CORE
None None
MaxLen 0
None None


Attribute that specifies the filepath of a directory where information about virtual system snapshots is stored. A relative path appends to the value of the ConfigurationDataRoot property. The format is URI based on RFC 2079. See for more information.

Name Value Scope Options
FieldId 530050000
None None
attributeId OS00C04FA081BAHtR3SA2j4yVgvHUA
None None
namespaceName BMC.CORE
None None
MaxLen 0
None None


Attribute that specifies the filepath of a directory where suspend-related information about the virtual system is stored. A relative path appends to the value of the ConfigurationDataRoot property. The format is URI based on RFC 2079. See for more information.

Name Value Scope Options
FieldId 530049800
None None
attributeId OS00C04FA081BA0tF3SA7kMpVgfHUA
None None
namespaceName BMC.CORE
None None
MaxLen 0
None None


Attribute that specifies the filepath of a directory where swap files of the virtual system are stored. A relative path appends to the value of the ConfigurationDataRoot property. The format is URI based on RFC 2079. See for more information.

Name Value Scope Options
FieldId 530050100
None None
attributeId OS00C04FA081BAhtR3SAJtUzVgxHUA
None None
namespaceName BMC.CORE
None None
MaxLen 0
None None


Attribute that specifies the time that the virtual system configuration was created.

Name Value Scope Options
FieldId 530049500
None None
attributeId OS00C04FA081BA1813SArbcZVgH3UA
None None
namespaceName BMC.CORE
None None


Attribute that specifies a unique name for the system used within the virtualization platform. This attribute is not the hostname assigned to the operating system instance running within the virtual system, nor is it an IP address or MAC address assigned to any of its network ports. On create requests, VirtualSystemIdentifier may contain implementation-specific rules (such as simple patterns or regular expresssions) that may be interpreted by the implementation when assigning a VirtualSystemIdentifier.

Name Value Scope Options
FieldId 530049400
None None
attributeId OS00C04FA081BABch3SACvsCVg9nQA
None None
namespaceName BMC.CORE
None None
MaxLen 255
None None


Attribute that specifies the state of virtual machine. Values are Other (0), Unknown (1), Active (10), InActive (15), Suspended (20), and Disabled (25).

Name Value Scope Options
FieldId 530049200
None None
attributeId OS00C04FA081BA66Z2SAe66ZUQbm4A
None None
namespaceName BMC.CORE
None None
ValueMap 0; 1; 10; 15; 20; 25
None None
Values Other; Unknown; Active; InActive; Suspended; Disabled


Attribute that specifies a type of virtual system. Implementations are commonly capable of supporting various implementation defined virtual system types. Use this attribute to determine the types of virtual systems supported for your configuration. For example, you might have a management application that uses an instance of the BMC_VirtualSystemSettingData class as an input parameter to an operation that creates or modifies a virtual system. Before configuring this application, you should first determine the set of valid virtual system types that are supported by the virtualization platform hosting the virtual system. To do this, inspect the values of the array property VirtualSystemTypesSupported of the instance of the CIM_VirtualSystemManagementCapabilities class that describes the capabilities of the virtualization platform. Values are Other (0),Unknown (1), LPAR (2), VM/VM Guest (3), VMware (4),Xen (20), LDOM (25), Solaris Container (30), HP nPartitions (35), VPar (40) ,Microsoft Hyper-V (45), KVM (60).

Name Value Scope Options
FieldId 530010600
None None
attributeId OBr[0874CD4B4F4D2cQAuz69CwPgMA
None None
namespaceName BMC.CORE
None None
ValueMap 0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 20; 25; 30; 35; 40; 45; 60
None None
Values Other; Unknown; LPAR; VM/VM Guest; VMware; Xen; LDOM; Solaris Container; HP nPartitions; VPar; Microsoft Hyper-V; KVM

Inherited Relationship Classes

Name Superclass Reference CI Class

Data Model

Copyright 2007 BMC Software, Inc. All rights reserved.