Data Model

Class BMC.CORE:BMC_DataBase


Direct Known Subclasses:

The BMC_DataBase class corresponds to a logical database (a collection of interrelated data organized into one or more schemas and treated as a unit). BMC_DataBase corresponds to the DMTF CIM_CommonDatabase class. An instance of BMC_DataBase is created for each separately manageable database, however, how instances are represented depends on the database product. Note: A running database server is represented by the BMC_SoftwareServer class with the SoftwareServerType attribute set to DatabaseServer. Several BMC_DataBase CIs can correspond to a single BMC_SoftwareServer instance.


Name Value Scope Options
namespaceName BMC.CORE None None
classId BMC_DATABASE None None
FormName BMC.CORE:BMC_DataBase None None
Exposure usedVisible TOSUBCLASS=false OVERRIDABLE=false

Attributes inherited from class BMC.CORE:BMC_BaseElement
AccountID, AssignedTo, AttributeDataSourceList, Availability, Category, CheckSumValue, CITag, ClassId, CMDBRowLevelSecurity, CMDBWriteSecurity, Confidentiality, CreateDate, DatasetId, Description, FailedAutomaticIdentification, History, ImpactComputationModel, InstanceId, Integrity, isCloud, Item, LastModifiedBy, LastScanDate, LicensingType, ManufacturerName, MarkAsDeleted, MarketVersion, Model, ModifiedDate, Name, NameFormat, Notes, OwnerContact, OwnerName, ParentCITag, Priority, ReconciliationIdentity, ReferenceInstance, RequestId, SerialNumber, ShortDescription, Submitter, Supported, SystemEnvironment, TokenFormat, TokenId, Type, VersionNumber

Inherited Relationship Classes

Name Superclass Reference CI Class

Data Model

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